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Comfort Food - Soups

Updated: Jan 18, 2018

Sometimes, even in hot steamy Hong Kong, I fancy a comforting, warm soup.

I find I feel at my best when I eat a high, raw, mostly plant-based diet. But sometimes cold, delicious salads just don't do it for me. That's when I chuck together a tasty soup. More often than not, I open the fridge, check which veggies I have and concoct something. I have a huge amount of herbs & spices & use them regularly to make an ordinary recipe into something with a bit more 'zazoom'.

How many nutrients can I get into this bowl ?

My thoughts around food have definitely gone from 'what can I shove into my face', to which choice will give me the yummiest taste and the highest quantity/quality of nutrients.

So with too much broccoli one day, and in dire need of a quick, easy, tasty lunch, I chucked this together - and it has become a family staple.

Cheesy Broccoli Soup (as raw as you like)

1.5C broccoli florets - blanched or slightly steamed, if you don't want raw. Use the the cooking water for the soup. 3inch piece zucchini 1/2C seeds/nuts (I used hemp & cashew) - soaked 2Tbs nutritional yeast 1tsp lemon juice 1tsp sweetener 1tsp white pepper 5 whole peppercorns

Vegetable stock or plain water, to bring soup to preferred consistancy.

Blitz. Serve with dulse, nutritional yeast & cracked Sichuan pepper.

Add your own signature - Sprouted seeds, a drizzle of hemp oil, a sliced half avocado.. It's your soup xx

Get Inspired

Open your fridge - Chose a base vegetable to make your soup with : carrots; broccoli; cauliflower; pumpkin - All are wonderful.

Think about what a cooked similar soup would include and add healthy alternatives.

Cream = soaked nuts (cashew/macadamia are creamy)

Cheese = nutritional yeast

Stock cube - make your own out of the weeks left-over veggie scraps & freeze it

Use HERBS & SPICES - they can make or break a bland-tasting dish !!

Enjoy adding life back into your food x

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