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Start As You Mean To Go On... and on and on....

Updated: Jan 18, 2018

Who doesn't like chocolate for breakfast ....

Long gone are my breakfast's of toast and jam/marmite or more often than not, my skipping breakfast completely !!

After resting all night your body needs to 'break' the 'fast'. Why not ditch the toast & jam and fuel up on something worth eating .....

Start your day with a big glass of spring water with a squeeze of lemon. Your body can become dehydrated overnight & a glass of warm (or cold) water (with lemon) kick-starts your digestive system back into life. After hydration comes nutrients. Common breakfast foods, such as commercial cereals or fried animal products, tend to contain high amounts of calories, with few, powerful nutrients.

You can fly higher with chia.....

Some interesting facts about chia seeds.

A 1 ounce (28 grams) serving contains:

  • Fiber: 11 grams.

  • Protein: 4 grams.

  • Fat: 9 grams - 5 of which are omega 3.

  • Calcium: 18% of the recommended daily amount.

  • Manganese: 30% of the recommended daily amount.

  • Magnesium: 30% of the recommended daily amount.

  • Phosphorus: 27% of the recommended daily amount.

  • They also contain a decent amount of Zinc, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Potassium, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Vitamin B2.

Chocolate-Maca Coconut Chia Porridge 1/2C chia, soaked overnight in 1.5C non-diary milk (I use almond).

1/2C nut milk 2tsp cacao powder 1tsp maca powder 1tsp xylitol

1/2tsp chaga (optional) 1/4tsp he shou wu (optional) 1/2Tbs coconut mana/butter Blitz in blender

Add a large scoop of your soaked chia to the milk blend & stir well.

Add your preferred toppings. I love chopped, sour cherries, cacao nibs, coconut flakes, bee pollen, goji’s and sour golden berries.

The soaked chia lasts me for 3-4 breakfasts. This one of my favorite morning meals.

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