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Green Machine

Updated: Jan 18, 2018

Blitz a couple of fresh, crunchy GREEN veggies & a bit of fruit to make a nutrient-dense, delicious drink.

Either first thing in the morning on an empty tum, or post exercise as a refuel of spent nutrients & liquids - A green juice is a wonderful, healing habit to get in to.

Juice vs Smoothie

A juice has the fiber strained out & and smoothie has the whole veg/fruit included.
Juice takes very little energy to get the nutrients absorbed into your system - A smoothie takes more time to be absorbed, the fiber slows the sugar-load to your bloody & keeps you fuller longer.
The choice is yours - But both juice and smoothie are better than NO JUICE OR SMOOTHIE !!

Green Machine Juice:

Use Organic - if possible

Half head of scrubbed celery

3 handfuls greens (spinach tends to be the mildest), kale, rocket, swiss chard leaves etc.

1 green apple (or one grapefruit - if you wish for a lower sugar content)

1 whole cucumber

1 whole lemon, skin removed

A handful of favourite herbs: mint, corriander, basil etc.

Juice all veggies, fruit (if using) and herbs using :

A slow auger juicer - limits the amount of oxygen to the juice (keeps it 'alive' longer)

A centrifugal juicer - sometimes not great at processing greens

A high speed blender (Vitamix) and a nut bag strainer - Great for saving time but decreases the nutrient content somewhat, by adding oxygen to your brew.

For a more detailed explanation on machines that juice, check out :-

So get your green moustaches on ......

A green juice, a day, keeps the lurgy away !!

Juicing was one the first changes I incorporated into my diet, eight years ago, when I was at my sickess. It had a profound, possitive effect on my ailments (which are too numberous to mention). As I started juicing, my body went into 'absorbtion-mode' and I craved more and more juice. Looking back, I think I had been so chronically nutrient deficient, from years of living off cake, coffee and ultra-racing, that once my body received a reminder of what 'real' food should be, it craved more & more of the good stuff.

When you hit bottom, you've got to learn how to get back up.... Changing the way I looked at food was my 'up'.

Juicing gave me a way to quickly & easily get huge amounts of vitamins, minerals, liquids & micronutrients into my ailing body and it helped me start to feed my family better too.

Get juicing !!

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