Fancy a fast bowl of delicious noodles for lunch but don't fancy the afternoon of sluggishness that oftentimes comes with eating heavy, processed pasta dishes. Well, here is my recipe, dedicated to Craig, Melanie and their beautiful Canadian family.

Recipe :
Fresh tomato sauce:-
Sun-ripened, organic tomatoes
6-8 sundried tomatoes, preserved in oil
1 ripe, organic red pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 red onion
1-2 red chilis
salt, pepper, plug of olive oil.
Blitz everything together in a food processor or pulse in a Vitamix. Leave chunks for texture.
Noodles :-
Spiralize 1 carrot & 1 courgette, sprinkle with a little mineral salt or wheat-free Tamari
Leave for ten minutes, then discard any liquid that has come from the noodles.
Serve veggie noodles with the tomato sauce (which you can warm gently, to bring out the delicious aroma of fresh tomatoes).
Add kelp noodles - for texture & minerals
Olives - for salt, texture and good fats
Pine-nuts (roasted or raw) - for texture

Sounds delicious.