One of the first 'foods' my mind began to question was breakfast cereals.

I was a young mum of one, at the time, and during a sleep-deprived trip to the supermarket, I found myself staring, mesmerized, by shelf after shelf of colourful boxes. Multi-coloured hoops and chocolate-coloured 'rocks'. Vitamin blah blah's added. Calcium requirements guaranteed. The information and colour was overwhelming. The uniformed boxes, however, appealed to my OCD'ness and it started me reading the crazy amount of 'not real food' ingredients listed on almost every package I picked up.
Feeding my precious first-born.
How come I didn't know what the ingredients were? Was I really SO sleep-deprived that I couldn't pronounce some of them - Or could I actually, truly NOT pronounce them ??!! Azodicarbonamide.. what? Butylated hydroxyanisole... butty-what??!!
I just want to feed my toddler real food.
I went home with easier to read ingredients. Apple. Banana. Strawberries. Things I remember my mother feeding me as a child & I blizzed up smoothies. At first they were really simple. A few fruits with oats & coconut flakes as toppings. Then I got into making my own granola, using blended banana's as the sweet binding ingredient. After my three years of chronic health,my knowlege around nutrition TOOK OFF and the smoothies became a meal that I still eat often.
Smoothies became a morning bowl of utter delicious beauty but the best part was - they took moments to make !!
So here is my second-born's favourite mix :
Giorgia's Smoothie Banana-liscious Bowl
1 small, very ripe banana
1/4C blackberries or blueberries
1/4C raspberries or red currents
2C almond milk (or dairy free alternative)
1 scoop Greener Grass powder
1tsp spirulina
1/2tsp chaga mushroom powder
Blitz in a high speed blender
Add: Bee pollen (omit if vegan) coconut flakes, goji berries, cacao, maca, sprouted buckwheat

Get Inspired
Try making your very own favourite smoothie bowl. They are easy to make, easy to clean up after, incredibly tasty, incredibly nutricious.
Good Luck !! xx