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Energy Crisis.

Updated: Jan 18, 2018

Go, go, go, go ..... and.....stop !!

Dr. Libby Weaver coined the phase 'Rushing Woman Syndrome', in fact, she wrote a fascinating book all about it. It is a 'thing', a real state that women suffer from, but it's not just applicable to women - Men and children suffer from it too. Our lives are constantly filled to the brim with 'stuff'. From the moment we awake, until the second we shut our weary eyes, we are constantly bombarded with deadlines, messages, online screen's, things that need doing, things that don't need doing but we do them anyway.

Long gone are the days of being happy with being bored. My children think being bored is something from the Dark Ages !! Something old people had to suffer back before the television was invented, heck, even probably before flushing toilets were invented !!

Busy is a drug that a lot of people are addicted to - Rob Bell.

I could have been a case study for 'Rushing Woman's Syndrome' - I have a child diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) & have realized from his diagnosis, that I am not 'crazy', 'mad', 'the bonkers friend', I am wired similarly to my child. I can't sit still, I can't concentrate on one thing (but I can concentrate on four- five things, all at once). While out training, I'm usually thinking up recipes, doing the shopping list, realizing I shouldn't be out training-I should be at an appointment that I've missed ...... again !!

Feed Yourself Food That Will Strengthen YOU - Not destroy YOU.

So, here is the recipe I concocted this week, while running through the woods :-).

Chocolate Bombs - high in good fats

1C dessicated (non-bleached or sweetened) coconut

4Tbs almond butter

3/4C cashew nuts

6-8 medjool dates

2Tbs raw, cacao powder

Pinch mineral salt

Place cashews and coconut into a food processor. Blitz into a 'flour'.

Add dates and mix again. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until fully combined but not over-mixed.

Roll into balls & either roll again in : lucuma, dessicated coconut, chocolate powder or make your own raw chocolate to coat your Bombs.

Make yourself a nice cup of (herbal) tea, grab a couple of Bombs, put your feet up and be bored ... for a good while x

'Creatures were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos is because things are bring loved and creatures are being used and abused'


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